Park Lane South to Atlantic Avenue
Similar to the North Passage, this zone will provide separate paths for biking and walking within a woodland context to allow visitors to move swiftly through this zone, including planted and fenced buffers at the edges of the former right-of-way to provide privacy for adjacent residences. At the Jamaica Avenue overpass, visitors can look out from the bridge and connect to shopping and other street-level activities.
Locally-focused, quiet, natural paths, limited access points
Potential Features & Amenities
- Quiet forest
- Education partnership with PS254
- Gateway design moment at J Train overpass at Jamaica Ave.
- Potential access point at southwest corner of Park Lane South intersection
- Paths for walking and biking
Potential Partnerships
- PS 254 Rosa Parks
- Jamaica Ave. businesses
- C-Town at Jamaica Ave.
Ecological/Green Infrastructure Features
- Emphasis on trees and erosion of embankment slopes

The QueensWay path in this area will be designed to ensure privacy for the adjacent homes. The pathway can be lowered by excavating the embankment, with planted berms along the path edges to decrease the visual connection between the QueensWay visitors and nearby homes.