The New York Times: A Green Line Through Queens
January 1st, 2015

The QueensWay rung out 2014 with a bang with a New York Times editorial “A Green Line Through Queens,” proclaiming the merits of the QueensWay, calling it a “boon to the borough [of Queens.]”
The New York Times wrote: “The abandoned Rockaway Beach line of the Long Island Rail Road cuts a shaggy green swath through southern Queens. Trees have thickly colonized the railbed. The rusty rails run parallel through the shadowy underbrush and — where the tracks are elevated by concrete and steel — overbrush. The line has been rotting since the 1950s, though a group of park advocates say the result is not ruin but wild perfection. They want to make it a three-and-a-half-mile park and call it the QueensWay.”
“The question is not whether a new park in Queens is a good idea. It’s a spectacular one.”