Event Announcement

Forest Park Bridge Painting w Friends of Forest Park

Saturday, Sep 17, 2016
9:00 am – 2:00 pm

A collaboration event with the Friends of Forest Park.

The Friends of Forest Park, under the leadership of MK Moore, have set up a Forest Park Bridge Painting for the overpass bridge located over the QueensWay. We could not ask for a more natural fit.

Friends of QueensWay joins Friends of Forest Park adults and children in painting the bridges on Forest Park Drive (the Closed Road). Make our walks, runs and rides in the Park that much nicer by helping us beautify our wonderful Park. (The wall will be power washed by Parks dept. staff. in preparation for painting)

All supplies will be provided by Parks, we need your hands, energy and desire to make a difference in the Park. Wear some clothes that can stand a few paint spots


Forest Park Dr, Queens, NY, USA

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